Saturday, September 06, 2008

Welcome to the new school year!

Get a Voki now!

Welcome to the new school year! I am looking forward to working with you this semester.

As I did last semester, occasionally I will stop by to post a message about educational theory--in other words, suggestions about classroom management and techniques. I have gathered many ideas and techniques over the years--some that I have used and others that I have not. They are suggestions for you to use or to ignore. You need to use what is best for you and pass over items that you feel would not work with your style.

This blog spot will, unfortunately, not be interactive. It is not a place for discussion. If you have a technique that you'd like me to post here, please email me ( ). The best way to recommend a technique is to tell a little bit about it and provide a web address to an article or research about it.

I hope you enjoy this blogspot and that you find items that you can use or that you can adapt to your needs.

(Dr. Roberts)