Tuesday, April 29, 2008

blogs in education

Will Richardson has done a lot of work using blogs in education and encouraging others to do so as well. Take a look at this video about Will Richardson’s work in using blogs in education: http://campus.belmont.edu/chenowit/dragonstale/WebLoggingSmall.mov

Here’s Will Richardson's Blog: http://www.weblogg-ed.com/

The Queens OIT (Office of Instructional Technology) provides training in incorporating the use of blogs in the classroom and provides blog web space as well:
iTeach professional development: http://www.oit.nycenet.edu/programs/iteach/services.php
and http://www.oit.nycenet.edu/

Blogging in Queens: http://oitqblogs.com/

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Carousel Brainstorming

Carousel Brainstorming is similar to gallery walk. It fosters discussion and brainstorming. It allows for students to move around with a purpose—especially good for the kinesthetic learners. It provides cooperation and collaboration among the students. In addition, it provides opportunity for students to orally present the work and for students to learn from one another.

Take a look at this website and click on the video to see carousel brainstorming in action.


Then take a look at these resources to find out more about carousel brainstorming and see how you can adapt it to fit into your lesson:

