Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Effects of reward systems on middle school students

Middle school students are unique! Two educational researchers, Wilson and Corpus, did a study on the effects of reward systems on academic performance on middle school students. There are many ways to give positive reinforcement. For an adult a verbal praise or encouragement might work. With young children, when they accomplish something, you smile, perhaps clap your hands, and show your love. Young children are happy when they please adults. Material rewards can also be given. When children get older, there are other ways to "reward." Wilson and Corpus (2001) stated that the challenge is for educators to provide appropriate balance as the students develop intrinsic motivation. Teachers can provide:

• choice
• feedback
• interpersonal involvement
• acknowledgment of feelings
• celebrations rather than rewards
• real life models
• cooperative learning.


Wilson L. & Corpus, D. (2001, September). The effects of reward systems on academic performance. Middle School Journal. Retrieved February 13, 2008 from